Saturday 4 January 2014

What Time Is It Mr. Food? Its Time for a Restaurant Review

Butter Chicken

The restaurant we went to was called Little India, it is located on 66, Wylie Ave.  I went there with my friend Pooja and her little sister Aarti. We arrived there at 5:45pm, upon our arrival they had a table of four empty so they escorted us there. As we sat down they gave us the menu not too long after we sat down,then they arrived with papad and chutney as a complimentary from them.  For dinner we ordered Butter chicken, Vegetable korma, four Garlic Naan, and Garlic Chicken Tikka Masala. The butter chicken we had was very delicious, it was gravy of tomato and onions with bunch of spies then they add cooked chicken in it and let the chicken simmer in it so it absorbs the flavor. The curry was garnished with coriander and 2 pieces of ginger. The side we ordered called garlic chicken tikka was served in a sizzler plate, when it came out it was piping hot and smelled really appetizing, it was served with grilled vegetables such as onions, green peppers tomato, and lemon. Then after dinner I and Aarti ordered pistachio kulfi and Pooja ordered mango kulfi. The desserts were OK, my dessert was lacking taste it did not have enough sugar and also it was really frozen so it was hard to break. All the food was great and really enticing.

The atmosphere was remarkable and very cozy. The lights in the restaurant were dim and created a very relaxed atmosphere, the chairs were also very cozy and comfortable. The background Indian music playing was really quiet but it really created the vibe of India. The pictured hanged up on the wall were really beautiful, specially the Taj Mahal picture it really enhanced the atmosphere of the restaurant. There were two things I personally disliked. Firstly, after we were done our dinner we waited there 20 minutes for the waiter to take away the dinner plates and come to take our dessert order which was really poor service in my opinion. Secondly, the prices were a tad bit expensive, for example when I ordered the butter chicken it was seventeen dollars for a small amount of butter chicken. I found that a bit ridiculous for the amount of curry served

The waiter who served us was named Akash. He was a very polite and humble waiter. He was well trained towards the menu. When we asked the waiter “the chicken you use does it come prepackaged or is it bought locally?” He said “the chicken we use is gain fed in our local farm”. This shows that the waiter knows about where their food comes from and is it local or packaged. The second question we asked was “Do you like your job as a server?” he said “yes, I do because I like interacting with new people, but sometimes  the customers are very rude and treat us badly”. Overall we had loads of fun; there were 2 things the restaurant could improve on. Firstly, their seating arrangement can be fixed, because each table was close to another table so many people could hear our conversations. Lastly, the desserts they gave us could definitely be fixed, by adding more sugar and not keeping it frozen when giving it to us as it is really hard to break.
Pistachio Kulfi

Tandoori Chicken

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